
A Magical Christmas Show

A Magical Christmas Show

Come and enjoy this 90-minute show with all your favorite Christmas songs performed as only the Around Town Singers and Orchestra can. A Christmas show the way they used to be!

Special Guests include:
Sophie Collins from Connecticut, a 14-year-old dynamo who has been with the New England ATS&O since she was eight. Sophie recently was a lead in her local production of Annie, Jr. and is now attending the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts.

Darlene Fabrizi, an audience favorite from the New England ATS&O whose memorable renditions of Karen Carpenter songs keeps audiences coming back for more.

Jennifer Jarvis, the director of the New England ATS&O (Around Town Two), whose rendition of Nella Fantasia and others songs will move you.

Plus more! Stay tuned as we announce more Special Guests!

BREAKING NEWS!  We have just confirmed that The Burnett Sisters Band will be making a special appearance at our show, just for you!  Read all about them here!